Young women’s sexual satisfaction in danger: the significance of thin-ideal internalization, positive body image, and appearance-related self-consciousness during physical intimacy


  • Femke van den Brink Utrecht University
  • Manja Vollmann Erasmus University Rotterdam


sexual health, appearance ideals, self-attitudes


Previous research indicated that a positive body image is indirectly related to young adult women’s sexual satisfaction through protecting them from appearance-related self-consciousness during physical intimacy. The aim of the present study was to investigate thin-ideal internalization as a potential factor associated with positive body image, and subsequently appearance-related self-consciousness during physical intimacy and sexual satisfaction.
Participants and procedure
Using a cross-sectional design, 250 young adult Dutch women (age: M = 22.98, SD = 2.98) filled in an online survey measuring the relevant variables.
A path analysis revealed that lower thin-ideal internalization was related to greater sexual satisfaction through a more positive body image and less appearance-related self-consciousness during physical intimacy, and also consecutively via both.
These findings suggest that thin-ideal internalization may trigger processes that are detrimental to sexual satisfaction in women. Consequently, strengthening sociocultural pressure resistance skills in young adult women could facilitate the development and maintenance of positive sexual experiences.


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How to Cite

van den Brink, F., & Vollmann, M. (2023). Young women’s sexual satisfaction in danger: the significance of thin-ideal internalization, positive body image, and appearance-related self-consciousness during physical intimacy. Health Psychology Report, 11(1), 81–87. Retrieved from


