Contribution in Social Insurance



Contribution, tax, public charge, pension insurance, social security, insurance, public finances, budget, civic subjectivity, insurance triptych


The article deals with financial law institutions from the space of public tributes. The author subjects the institutions of social security contribution, tax and fee to a legal analysis. He also examines the views of representatives of the doctrine of financial law by making a dogmatic analysis concerning these three types of tributes. It presents the various forms of their application, with the aim of understanding their nature in connection with the broader institutions of public law in which they are applied, being a way of raising the funds necessary for their proper functioning and fulfillment of their role. The goal is to determine whether they are substitutable in the proper performance of a public function, or alternatively whether they can have a form that is altered from that accepted in the doctrine, and whether this will also determine the nature of the larger institution of which they are an element.


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How to Cite

Sowiński, T. (2023). Contribution in Social Insurance . Financial Law Review, (32(4), 77–92. Retrieved from


