Counteracting International Tax Avoidance Practices


  • Tomasz Wach Independent researcher



international tax avoidance, tax avoidance, harmful tax competition, tax evasion


The aim of this work is to present legal regulations and system solutions undertaken by individual States, including EU institutions to counteract international tax avoidance practices. The work discusses the axiology of legal regulations aimed at counteracting international tax avoidance practices and attempts to present the notion of harmful tax competition. Moreover, the article aims at introducing the essence of tax avoidance and juxtaposing it with the notion of tax evasion.

What needs to be emphasized is that the phenomenon of tax avoidance is often identified with tax evasion. It should be remembered and stressed that tax avoidance is not a, it is a phenomenon that can be described as a "breach within the limits of the law". In contrast to tax evasion, which is penalized by law, tax avoidance is a lawful phenomenon but standing in contrast with its axiology.


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How to Cite

Wach, T. . (2019). Counteracting International Tax Avoidance Practices. Financial Law Review, (13(1), 46–60.


