Financing of a Non-governmental Non-profit Organization from the State Budget


  • Nikol Nevečeřalová Masaryk University Brno


tax, law, public benefit taxpayer, budget, non-governmental organization


This contribution deals with the non-profit sector, where the author primarily mentions the differences between private and public non-profit organizations. The author will focus mainly on issues related with the funding of a non-governmental non-profit organization including their possible participation in the national budget of the Czech Republic. The author will also deal with the position of a non-governmental non-profit organization as a subject of law, which in the theory of financial law and specifically in the subsector of tax law “occupies” the position of a public benefit taxpayer [Law on income tax, Section 17a]. The main aim of the contribution is to use graphs and data to define which resources a non-governmental non-profit organization uses for its existence. In the last part of the article, the author using methods of comparison and deduction use states specific example of a non-governmental non-profit organization and its participation in the budget of the Czech Republic.


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Legal Acts

Act. No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code.

Act No. 586/1992 Coll., Law on income tax.

Act No. 218/2000 Coll., On budgetary rules and on the amendment of some related acts (budgetary rules).

Act No. 355/2019 Coll., The State Budget of the Czech Republic for 2019.

Act No. 336/2018 Coll., The State Budget of the Czech Republic for 2018.

Other official documents

Analysis of financing of non-governmental non-profit organizations from public budgets in 2016. Government of the Czech Republic.

Available at:, accessed: 13th August 2017.

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Internet Resources

Bachmann, P.: Transparentnost a veřejná prospěšnost českých neziskových organizací [Transparency and public benefit of Czech non-profit organizations]. Available at:, accessed: 13th August 2017.

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How to Cite

Nevečeřalová , N. . (2020). Financing of a Non-governmental Non-profit Organization from the State Budget. Financial Law Review, (20(4), 53–63. Retrieved from


