Marketing communication as a process streamlining the construction of transport infrastructure


  • Robert Bęben University of Gdansk
  • Oliwia Wysocka Pomeranian Institute of Science


marketing communication, stakeholder management, communal marketing, territorial marketing, nimby syndrome


Conflicts, which can be observed in case of numerous infrastructural projects, imply a number of additional costs related to downtime and construction reorganization or a necessity to resolve conflicts etc. In order to minimize the risk of the aforementioned factors, a cooperation with the stakeholders is essential and marketing communication is a crucial element of it.

 The aim of this article is to identify a tools and communication channels, recommended for public relation activities addressed to people living in the area of the planned road investment. Implementing this aim, the key communication elements were addressed in a theoretical part, emphasizing media which connect a sender and a recipient. Next, in an empirical part, the results of a survey, carried out in four developing districts of Gdansk, were presented. All four districts plan to implement major road investments. The aim of the survey was to identify the information needs and communication channels of a given group of stakeholders. In this way they wish to be informed about any road investments planned or implemented in their district.

The conclusions presented in this article shall encourage to consider local communities, where investment activities are already implemented or are planned to be implemented, as a target group for any enterprise. Therefore, appropriate marketing activities shall be planned and due to a diversity ofrecipients, a specific approach to full market coverage strategy must be applied. A few communication programs shall be developed, separately for each group of recipients, taking into account the characteristics of each target group, as well as their diversity (e.g. communication channels they prefer).


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How to Cite

Bęben, R., & Wysocka, O. (2018). Marketing communication as a process streamlining the construction of transport infrastructure. Zarządzanie I Finanse, 16(3.3), 25–41. Retrieved from




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