Pandemic-activated psychological growth: significance of extraversion, self-consciousness and COVID-19 related anxiety


Słowa kluczowe:

extraversion, pandemic-activated psychological growth (PPG), reflective and ruminative self-consciousness, COVID-19 related anxiety


The sense of threat to health and life in the face of a pandemic, accompanied by difficulties imposed by lockdown, may trigger a serious crisis. Among possible consequences of such a crisis may paradoxically be the phenomenon of psychological growth. The aim of this article is to identify predictors of pandemic-activated psychological growth (PPG). The relationships between extraversion, reflective and ruminative self-consciousness and PPG were the subject of our inquiry. Additionally, a question was posed about the indirect effect of self-consciousness on PPG through anxiety.
Participants and procedure
The study involved 1206 participants aged 18 to 26 years, who declared that the pandemic situation significantly threatened their important life goals. Procedure: crosssectional design. Four online short questionnaire-measures were used: the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), the Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire (RRQ), the Current Self-disposition Scale (CSS), and the Post-traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI).
Extraversion and reflective self-consciousness were direct predictors of higher PPG, whereas ruminative self-consciousness was directly related to a lower PPG. There was an indirect effect of ruminative self-consciousness on PPG through COVID-19 related anxiety.
Although the results do not confirm the permanence of a growth effect, finding PPG predictors considered as beneficial resources for coping with difficult pandemic circumstances appears to be valuable in the current state of affairs.


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Jak cytować

Żurko, M. ., Słowińska, A. ., Senejko, A. ., Madeja-Bień, K. ., & Łoś, Z. . (2023). Pandemic-activated psychological growth: significance of extraversion, self-consciousness and COVID-19 related anxiety. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 11(3), 182–192. Pobrano z


