Adverse childhood experiences in women with externalisation and internalisation disorders


  • Krzysztof Gąsior Jan Kochanowski University, Świętokrzyskie Centre of Prophylaxis and Education
  • Jan Chodkiewicz University of Lodz


Słowa kluczowe:

adverse childhood experiences, complex post-traumatic stress, externalisation and internalisation disorders


The aim of the study was to determine the connections between adverse childhood experiences and complex post-traumatic dis-orders and attachment types in women with externalisation (addictions, crime) and internalisation disorders (anxiety disorders and mixed anxiety-depressive disorders).

Participants and procedure
The methods used in the study were as follows: Adverse Childhood Experiences – International Questionnaire (ACE-IQ), Fam-ily of Origin Dysfunction Scale (FODS) by Gąsior, Brier’s Trauma Symptom Inventory-2 (TSI-2) and Adult Attachment Scale (AAS) by Collins and Read. The studied group comprised women (N = 159) with externalisation issues (addicted, n = 80, in-cluding the addicted and incarcerated n = 23) and with internalisation issues (n = 79). The overall results of the clinical groups were compared with the control group of women without adaptation issues (N = 129).

The examined groups of women with internalisation and externalisation disorders differ both in terms of intensity and the scope of adverse childhood experiences, as well as in complex post-traumatic stress and attachment extent. The results obtained and the conclusions drawn from the research indicate that it is necessary to include a detailed diagnosis of adverse childhood experi-ences and traumas in the therapy and social rehabilitation of women with internalisation and externalisation disorders.

Development trajectories of externalisation and internalisation issues in women in view of their adverse childhood experiences require further studies.


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Jak cytować

Gąsior, K. ., & Chodkiewicz, J. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences in women with externalisation and internalisation disorders. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 8(2), 119–130.


