The Dark Triad, goal achievement and work engagement as predictors of counterproductive work behaviors among IT employees


  • Jakub Filipkowski Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Romuald Derbis Uniwersytet Opolski

Słowa kluczowe:

work engagement, IT, Dark Triad of personality, counterproductive work behaviors, goal achievement motivation


The main purpose of this article is to analyze mechanisms associated with counterproductive work behaviors. This entails ac-tions directed against the employer’s interest such as theft, slowing the work down, and avoiding professional responsibilities. This paper analyzes Dark Triad traits of psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism, achievement motivation and work engagement as counterproductive work behavior predictors.

Participants and procedure
The study included 115 people, 92 men and 23 women, who were employees of technology departments. The average age of respondents is 27.41 (Me = 26). Participants were surveyed using the online questionnaire method.

Statistical analysis validates all three hypotheses. Achievement motivation, the Dark Triad and work engagement are predictors of counterproductive work behavior; the Dark Triad is a moderator of the relationship with achievement motivation and counter-productive work behaviors; work engagement is a moderator of the Dark Triad’s relationship with counterproductive work behaviors.

All predictors were proven to significantly explain the level of counterproductive behavior. It was also found that work engage-ment and achievement motivation can weaken the influence of the Dark Triad on counterproductive behaviors at work. It is suggested to perform more studies to confirm these results and investigate differences between professions.



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Filipkowski, J., & Derbis, R. (2020). The Dark Triad, goal achievement and work engagement as predictors of counterproductive work behaviors among IT employees. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 8(3), 197–210. Pobrano z


