Narcissism, activity on Facebook, and conspicuous consumption among young adults


Słowa kluczowe:

conspicuous consumption, narcissistic admiration, narcissistic rivalry, self-oriented activity on Facebook



The purpose of the study was to explore relationships between narcissistic strategies, self-oriented activity on Facebook, and conspicuous consumption.

Participants and procedure

The sample consisted of 323 young Polish adults. Participants completed the Conspicuous Consumption Scale (CCS), the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire (NARQ), and questions regarding Facebook use.


Empirical support was found for the assumption that conspicuous consumption was predicted by narcissistic rivalry. Although the direct impact of narcissistic admiration on conspicuous consumption was non-significant, this strategy influenced status consumption through self-verified behaviours on social media, the strongest predictor of conspicuous consumption.


This shows that narcissistic rivalry directly affects the propensity to conspicuous consumption and narcissistic admiration is related to self-verified activity on Facebook. The involvement of Facebook usage in this manner increases the acquisition and display of expensive, glamorous products as external signals of status.


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Niesiobędzka, M., & Konaszewski, K. (2022). Narcissism, activity on Facebook, and conspicuous consumption among young adults. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 10(1), 21–31. Pobrano z


