Temporary change in personality states among social media users: effects of Instagram use on Big Five personality states and consumers’ need for uniqueness


  • Dariusz Drążkowski Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5697-892X
  • Sebastian Pietrzak Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  • Laura Mądry Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Słowa kluczowe:

Big Five model, need for uniqueness in consumption, personality dynamics approach, social media, Instagram



Research suggests that certain personality traits influence the frequency of social media use. However, the potential effect of social media use on personality states merits investigation as well, in light of the personality dynamics approach.

Participants and procedure

We conducted an experimental study in which 325 Instagram users were asked to count selfies and emoticons on their Instagram profiles (experimental condition) or their phones (control condition). Subsequently, all participants responded to questions from the Big Five personality inventory and scale to measure the need for uniqueness in consumption.


Instagram users had a  higher neuroticism state and a higher need for uniqueness compared with the controls. In terms of the other Big Five states, we observed no differences between the study conditions.


Our study explores the novel direction of the relationship between social media use and personality, suggesting that using Instagram can temporarily change personality states.


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Jak cytować

Drążkowski, D., Pietrzak, S., & Mądry, L. (2022). Temporary change in personality states among social media users: effects of Instagram use on Big Five personality states and consumers’ need for uniqueness. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 10(1), 32–38. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/CIiPP/article/view/6789


