Influence of personality and emotional competences on academic performance: direct and indirect pathways mediated by perceived stress


  • Min You University of Caen Normandy
  • Sylvain Laborde German Sport University Cologne, University of Caen Normandy
  • Robert Samuel Vaughan York Saint John University
  • Agnès Salinas University of Caen Normandy

Słowa kluczowe:

GPA, emotional intelligence, academic success, Big 5, university student



Among the factors influencing academic performance (AP), individual differences at the trait level such as personality and emotional competences (EC) have been found to play a critical role, similarly to state variables such as perceived stress (PS).

Participants and procedure

The aim of this study was to clarify whether the influence of personality (Big Five) and EC on AP (general point average) is direct and/or mediated via PS. 537 undergraduate students from a French university (112 male and 425 female, Mage = 19.84 years, SDage = 1.74 years, range = 18-30 years; first year: n = 293, 55%; second year: n = 162, 30%, third year: n = 82, 15%) filled out the test battery around three weeks before the final examination.


Path analysis showed that AP was directly predicted by conscientiousness (+), neuroticism (+), extraversion (–) and perceived stress (–), while perceived stress was predicted by neuroticism (+) and by intrapersonal EC (–).


The results illustrate the robust influence of conscientiousness on AP, while EC was not found to influence AP directly, but indirectly via its effect on PS.


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Jak cytować

You, M., Laborde, S., Vaughan, R. S., & Salinas, A. (2022). Influence of personality and emotional competences on academic performance: direct and indirect pathways mediated by perceived stress. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 10(1), 61–70. Pobrano z


