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  • Argumenta Historica
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  • Ars Educandi
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  • Beyond Philology An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching
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  • Cahiers ERTA
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  • Current Issues in Personality Psychology
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  • Transport Economics and Logistics
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  • Cywilizacja i Polityka
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  • European Historical Game Studies
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  • European Journal of Transformation Studies
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  • Ethnography. Practices, Theories, Experiences
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  • Gdansk Journal of East Asian Studies
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  • Financial Law Review
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  • Gdańsk Legal Studies
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  • Gdansk International Studies
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  • Horyzonty Edukacji Akademickiej
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  • Health Psychology Report
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  • Books Now. Gdańsk Humanistic Journal
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  • International Business and Global Economy
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  • Język - Szkoła - Religia
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  • Journal of Geography, Politics and Society
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  • Karto-Teka Gdańska
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  • Media Business Culture
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  • Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica
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  • Disability
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  • Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies
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  • Panoptikum
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  • Issues in Early Education
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  • Porta Aurea
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  • Gdańsk Yearbook
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  • Progress
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  • Slawistyka. Folklorystyka
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  • Schulz/Forum
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  • Studies and Materials of the Institute of Maritime Transport and Trade
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  • Studia Germanica Gedanensia
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  • Studia Scandinavica
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  • Studia Rossica Gedanensia
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  • Medieval Studies
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  • Teoria i Praktyka Dydaktyki Akademickiej
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  • Contemporary Economy
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  • Tutoring Gedanensis
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  • Zarządzanie i Finanse
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  • Zarządzanie Biblioteką
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  • Zeszyty Studenckie „Nasze Studia"
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