Risk management in the Greek mussel farming through ISO 31000


  • John A. Theodorou University of Patras
  • Ioannis Tzovenis University of Athens




ISO 31000, risk management, Mediterranean mussel, aquaculture


The main risks to the sustainability of Mediterranean mussel farming in Greece were assessed using a generic framework derived from the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Model. Risk management scenarios were reviewed after they were successfully tested in the field by semi-qualitative/quantitative data generation protocols. A critical synthesis of the results identifies key indicative aspects needed by stakeholders to formulate a valid operational risk management plan for the sector.



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How to Cite

Theodorou, J. A., & Tzovenis, I. (2024). Risk management in the Greek mussel farming through ISO 31000. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 53(1), 79–87. https://doi.org/10.26881/oahs-2024.1.09


