Editorial board

Marine physics

Adam Krężel, Prof., University of Gdansk, Poland
Davide Bonaldo, Dr, Institute of Marine Science ISMAR Italian National Research Council, Italy
Andreas Lehmann, Prof., GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel Division of Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics, Germany

Marine chemistry

Jerzy Bolałek, Prof., University of Gdańsk, Poland
Piotr Szefer, Prof., Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland
Józef M. Pacyna, Prof., Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norway
Bernd Markert, Prof., Environmental Institute of Scientific Networks EISN, Germany

Marine geology

Małgorzata Witak, Prof., University of Gdańsk, Poland
Ryszard K. Borówka, Prof., University of Szczecin, Poland
Jan Harff, Prof., Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Germany
Anto Raukas, Prof., Tallinn Technical University, Estonia


Ryszard Kornijów, Prof., National Marine Fisheries Reseach Institute, Poland
Jolanta Ejsmond-Karabin, Prof., Centre for Ecological Research PAS, Poland
Pertti Eloranta, Prof., University of Helsinki, Finland
Horst Lange-Bertalot, Prof., Goethe University, Germany