Use of rotifer trophic state indices to show the effect of hydrobionts and nutrients on water trophic status in mesocosms


  • Jolanta Ejsmont-Karabin University of Białystok
  • Irina Feniova Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Iwona Kostrzewska-Szlakowska University of Warsaw
  • Marek Rzepecki Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Varos G. Petrosyan Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Andrew R. Dzialowski Oklahoma State University


Rotifera, eutrophic lake, effects of Dreissena’s, fish, Crustacea


We have determined how Crustacea, zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), fish and nutrients affect the trophic state in mesocosms filled with water collected from the pelagic zone of a eutrophic lake. We hypothesized that the pool of nutrients would increase both directly due to the input of phosphorus and nitrogen and/or indirectly due to the introduction of animal biomass. We used trophic state indices based on the abundance and species structure of rotifers to assess changes in the trophic state in mesocosms. The role of small detritophages in rotifer communities increased as a result of treatments. Our results clearly demonstrated that D. polymorpha was able to reduce the trophic status of mesocosm waters as indicated by reduced rotifer trophic state indices regardless of interactions with other treatment factors. Contrary to our expectations, neither the nutrients added at the beginning of the experiment nor the introduction of crustaceans or fish affected the rotifer trophic indices.



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How to Cite

Ejsmont-Karabin, J., Feniova, I., Kostrzewska-Szlakowska, I., Rzepecki, M., Petrosyan, V. G., & Dzialowski, A. R. (2020). Use of rotifer trophic state indices to show the effect of hydrobionts and nutrients on water trophic status in mesocosms. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 49(2), 123–131. Retrieved from


