Development of an extraction procedure and analysis of electrostatically stabilized silanates from aqueous solutions


  • Joanna Jabłońska Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
  • Mariusz Kluska Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
  • Nikolai Erchak Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
  • Stanisław Popiel Military University of Technology


extraction, aqueous solutions, ESsilanates, determination


The analyzed organosilicon derivatives of electrostatically stabilized silanates belong to a group of pentacoordinated compounds. These derivatives are: 1-(Nmorpholiniomethyl)spirobi(1-sila-2,5-dioxacyclopentan3-on)at, 1-(N-morpholiniomethyl)spirobi(1-sila-2,5-dioxa4-methylcyclopentan-3-on)at, 1-(N-morpholiniomethyl) spirobi(1-sila-2,5-dioxa-4-(i-propyl)cyclopentan-3-on)at.

In the course of the work, the extraction process and optimization of conditions for separation and determination of a mixture of electrostatically stabilized silanates were carried out using capillary isotachophoresis. Proper leading electrolytes were elaborated developed and the terminating electrolyte: 4,4’-bis[(1- morpholiniomethyl)spirobi(1-sila-2,5-dioxacyclopentan3-on)at] was proposed. The extraction process involved the use of three stationary phases: octadecyl, octyl and phenylpropyl. The highest recovery values, approx. 94%, were obtained on the phenylpropyl column. The optimum time of analysis by the isotachophoretic technique did not exceed 12 min. The developed method of separation and determination of electrostatically stabilized silanates expands the possibility of research on biological activity of this group of compounds in aqueous solutions and surface water vegetation.



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How to Cite

Jabłońska, J., Kluska, M., Erchak, N., & Popiel, S. (2020). Development of an extraction procedure and analysis of electrostatically stabilized silanates from aqueous solutions. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 49(3), 247–254. Retrieved from


