Spatial variability of long-term trends in significant wave height over the Gulf of Gdańsk using System Identification techniques


  • Jordan Badur University of Gdansk
  • Witold Cieślikiewicz University of Gdansk


Gulf of Gdańsk, wave climate, significant wave height, system identification, neuro-fuzzy systems, wave modeling


The significant wave height field over the Gulf of Gdańsk in the Baltic Sea is simulated back to the late 19th century using selected data-driven System Identification techniques (Takagi-Sugeno-Kang neuro-fuzzy system and non-linear optimization methods) and the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD Reanalysis 2 wind fields. Spatial variability of trends in the simulated dataset is briefly presented to show a cumulative “storminess” increase in the open, eastern part of the Gulf of Gdańsk and a decrease in the sheltered, western part of the Gulf.


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How to Cite

Badur, J., & Cieślikiewicz, W. (2018). Spatial variability of long-term trends in significant wave height over the Gulf of Gdańsk using System Identification techniques. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 47(2), 190–201. Retrieved from


