The Role of Inland Waterway Transport in City Logistics


  • Krystyna Wojewódzka-Król University of Gdańsk
  • Ryszard Rolbiecki University of Gdańsk



transport economics, city logistics, inland water transport


The urbanization process indicates that today’s cities are the main centres where transport demands accumulate. This causes, in effect, an increase in freight and passenger traffic, which in turn contributes to a rise in environmental and noise pollution, accidents, and thus a deterioration of the quality of life in cities. Bearing in mind the numerous advantages of inland waterway transport, it can be assumed that in cities located near inland waterways, this branch can be seen as an important link in the urban logistics chain. Therefore, the aim of this article is to indicate the possibility of using this mode of transport to handle transport needs in cities. Thearticle uses the method of desk research, based on analysing andverifying facts and merging existing statistical data on the urbanization process and experiences related to the use of inland waterway transport to handle various transport needs in selected European cities. The article shows that in cargo transit, the use of inland waters in urban logistics is an attractive branch of transport, not only in such areas as transportation of construction materials or waste collection but also in transport related to the supply of stores. Positive experiences of Western European cities should inspire action to increase the use of this branch in urban logistics in Poland, e.g., in the city of Gdańsk, located above the Motława waterway.



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How to Cite

Wojewódzka-Król, K. ., & Rolbiecki , R. . (2019). The Role of Inland Waterway Transport in City Logistics. Transport Economics and Logistics, 84, 103–114.




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