Intellectual humility: an old problem in a new psychological perspective


Słowa kluczowe:

intellectual humility, modesty, virtues, accuracy of selfknowledge


Though having been emphasised by philosophers and theologians for centuries, it is only in the last few years that the concept of intellectual humility has been explicitly defined and studied by empirical psychology. However, it has been long enough to recognise the prominent role that being intellectually humble plays for humane functioning, both at an intra- and inter-individual level. Having started with a  broader philosophical and historical context, the present paper discusses the psychological conceptualisations of intellectual humility. Then the recent empirical studies are reviewed, including four strands of research referring to personality traits, cognitive functioning, social relations and religiosity. After presenting selected results, the prospects of psychological research on intellectual humility are discussed, including the limitations and challenges of measurement techniques as well as possible directions for future studies.


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Jak cytować

Bąk, W., Wójtowicz, B., & Kutnik, J. (2022). Intellectual humility: an old problem in a new psychological perspective. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 10(2), 85–97. Pobrano z


