Music culture in EFL coursebooks




EFL coursebooks, music-related content, music vocabulary, secondary education, textbook analysis


This qualitative research study analyses music culture as part of learning experiences in English as foreign language (EFL) coursebook materials for the secondary educational level. Data included four serials, twelve student books and twelve workbooks, for three levels of study (Elementary to Intermediate). The results were presented within seven categories: (1) music-related vocabulary, (2) recorded music or song (sound) – listening, (3) music as a topic of a reading/listening/speaking/writing task, (4) music of English language (pronunciation practice), (5) words related to music and sound in grammar reviews, (6) project work, and (7) visual representations of music content. In conclusion, the level of implementation of music culture and content is extremely selective, random, and highly inconsistent.


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How to Cite

Marić, S. (Jelica). (2023). Music culture in EFL coursebooks. Beyond Philology An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, (20/3), 53–84.



Language Acquisition