Decoding gender bias through a textual exploration of Reddit /r/MensRights community
manosphere, sexism, gender bias, reddit, social media discourse, language patterns, natural language processingAbstract
With a specific focus on the /r/MensRights subreddit, the linguistic landscape of the “manosphere” is examined to identify and analyze patterns of sexist rhetoric. The “manosphere” on Reddit refers to a collection of communities that discuss perceived men’s issues, often characterized by themes of men’s rights activism and anti-feminism. Employing natural language processing techniques and transformer models for sentiment analysis, the research uncovers prevalent language structures indicative of gender bias within this community. Utilizing n-gram analysis, the aim is to provide insights into the language dynamics contributing to the perpetuation of gender-based discourse. By examining the framing of gender issues and opinionated language, the research aims to shed light on how members of the men’s rights community discuss gender issues, including attitudes towards feminism, perceptions of male-related issues, and overall perspective surrounding men and women. This study strives to contribute to a broader understanding of online communities and their influence on shaping attitudes towards gender.
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