Application of hermeneutics and transcendental pragmatics in linguistics




hermeneutics, pragmatics, sign, simulacra, transcendental grammar


The paper proposes a brief overview of tendencies in pragmatics (evolution of sign perception as a dyadic::triadic::quadratic entity; its interpretation not as a static, but dynamic, discourse bound phenomenon, analysis of Peirce’s views on sources of rational explanation), paying major attention to Apel’s distinctive philosophical approach, known as transcendental pragmatics, its congeniality with general principles of hermeneutics and potentials of its application in linguistics.


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How to Cite

Kanerva, O. (2019). Application of hermeneutics and transcendental pragmatics in linguistics. Beyond Philology An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, (16/3), 9–23.


