Toward an archetypal narrative: A Jungian-inspired archetypal criticism of Propp’s recurring narratemes thesis




Vladimir Propp, Carl Jung, archetypal narrative, formalism, psychoanalysis


In this paper, I attempt to find a middle ground between the formalist critic, Vladimir Propp, and the psychoanalytic critic, Carl Jung. I argue that, instead of regarding Russian formalism and psychoanalysis as irreconcilable adversaries, the theories of the two figures can (and should) be unified; the result of which can be devised to establish a theory of what I call an ‘‘archetypal narrative’’. To be more explicit, Propp’s Morphology and Jung’s archetypal psychoanalysis are reconciled to bring about an archetypal narrative theory, in which the underlying structure of narratives lies in the collective unconscious of humanity.


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How to Cite

Jakha, H. (2022). Toward an archetypal narrative: A Jungian-inspired archetypal criticism of Propp’s recurring narratemes thesis. Beyond Philology An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, (19/3), 111–149.



Literary studies