On Human Identity in Cyberspace of Digital Media


  • Slavomír Gálik University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava


real identity, virtual identity, cyberspace, digital media, cybersex, narcissism, media education


Human identity is not static but dynamic. It depends on somatic and cognitive development, culture and society. Human identity is now extending to cyberspace of digital media. According to Turkle, cyberspace acts as a mirror in which one can get to know one another. However, virtual identity is not entirely virtual because it is continually linked to real identity through cognitive functions and abilities. The author focuses on two risks of expanding identity in cyberspace of digital media, which are cybersex and narcissism. Narcissism and cybersex are two risks that currently endanger especially children and adolescents. Therefore society should pay particular attention to education. Media education, with special emphasis on critical thinking, is a necessity.



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How to Cite

Gálik, S. (2019). On Human Identity in Cyberspace of Digital Media. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 7(2), 33–44. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/journal-transformation/article/view/5007


