The Role of a State and its Institutions in the Process of Political Socialization of Personality in the Societies of Democratic Types


  • Ivan Parubchak Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies


evolutionary processes, governance, democratization of society, transformation, public relations


It is investigated that socialization is a necessary condition for the functioning of society. It is learned that political socialization is the most effective factor in maintaining the political system, its strengthening and stabilization. The process of political socialization, political institutions, reproduction and continuity of the most important political values are described. It was found that due to the political socialization man becomes not only the individual but also a citizen of the state. The interrelation of functioning democratic institutions and the transformation of political culture in the state are showed. It is analyzed that the role of political cultural factors in the evolutionary processes of government learn under a form of democratization of society today.



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How to Cite

Parubchak, I. (2019). The Role of a State and its Institutions in the Process of Political Socialization of Personality in the Societies of Democratic Types. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 7(2), 45–57. Retrieved from


