Pesco as the Modern Defense Initiative of the European Union: Positions of Western European Countries vs Positions of Eastern European Countries


  • Jarosław Nocoń University of Gdańsk
  • Lesia Dorosh Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Olha Ivasechko Lviv Polytechnic National University


European Union, Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), security


The EU member states’ modern security initiatives, realized by the defence alliance for Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) have been found out. PESCO implementation process was initiated and headed by France and Germany. The countries proposed a step-by-step approach to strengthening defence capabilities and operational commitments to increase the overall defence efforts of United Europe. Allegedly, nowadays there are many practical problems and challenges on the way to the successful implementation of PESCO. Its successful overcoming will be facilitated by the ability of initiator countries to deal with short-term operational issues. The differences in the strategic culture and models of European defence, the long-term priorities of some member states also will have significant importance for the longterm perspective of the successful functioning of PESCO.



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How to Cite

Nocoń, J. ., Dorosh, L., & Ivasechko, O. (2019). Pesco as the Modern Defense Initiative of the European Union: Positions of Western European Countries vs Positions of Eastern European Countries . European Journal of Transformation Studies, 7(2), 128–141. Retrieved from


