Rule of Law in the Italian Legal Environment: a Principle still in Force?


  • Raffaele Caroccia University of Naples “Federico II”


Rule of Law, legality principle, stare decisis, guidelines


This paper deals with the meaning of the Rule of Law in the Italian legal system and tries to identify two possible recent legislative interpretations. In particular, there will be a brief description of the differences between the Rule of Law and the principle of legality, followed by a summary about the binding role of precedents and the soft law, as introduced in the legal systems in recent years. These can be identified as two attempts to embody the Rule of Law in the Italian legal environment.



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How to Cite

Caroccia, R. (2019). Rule of Law in the Italian Legal Environment: a Principle still in Force? . European Journal of Transformation Studies, 7(2), 237–244. Retrieved from


