Truth in the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Reality. Moral and Political Considerations


  • Arkadiusz Modrzejewski University of Gdańsk


pandemic, truth, politics


In this essay I examine the importance of truth in society and public life. I adopt the Polish perspective, which, however, can also be considered in universal terms. Polish experiences are a kind of exemplification here, which I refer to quite briefly so as not to obscure the main theme, which is the moral dimension of truth in social and public life. The pandemic, in turn, acts as a lens in which the phenomena related to the exercise of power by populists and the flood of false information focus. Paradoxically, it also creates an opportunity to overcome the structures of lies and falsehoods. However, the future of truth in the post-pandemic world will not depend on random forces, but on a collective effort made to search for it, and on shaping the right attitudes and strengthening the institutional order that will foster freedom which is a necessary condition for truth.



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How to Cite

Modrzejewski, A. . (2020). Truth in the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Reality. Moral and Political Considerations. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 8, 221–237. Retrieved from


