Overview of Perception of Global Topics by Students of Economic and Education Study Programmes from Selected Countries


  • Igor Gallay Technical University in Zvolen
  • Zuzana Gallayová Technical University in Zvolen
  • Darina Veverková Technical University in Zvolen


global education, global problems, skills, business, universities


The aim of the survey was to find out if there is a difference in the perception of relevance of the global issues to the study fields by the students of economics and education in five countries (Ireland, Canada, the Great Britain, Kenya, and Slovakia). We used an online questionnaire developed within the project called Ethical Internationalism in Higher Education Research Project. The answers were analysed in the programme Statistica 12. We found the difference in the perception of global topics between the students of business and the students of education. The results will be used to innovate the study programmes at the individual faculties.



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How to Cite

Gallay, I., Gallayová, Z. ., & Veverková, D. (2020). Overview of Perception of Global Topics by Students of Economic and Education Study Programmes from Selected Countries. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 8(2), 148–177. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/journal-transformation/article/view/5564




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