Social and Economic Welfare and the Level of Life Satisfaction on the Example of Selected Countries


  • Ewa Polak Kujawy and Pomorze University College in Bydgoszcz


Economic Welfare, Integrated Development, Measures of Life Quality


The article presents problems related to life quality, life satisfaction and sense of happiness, their determinants, methods of measurement and dependence on the level of wealth and other conditions. Life quality is an abstract blurred term which depends on numerous factors. There is not any single, comprehensive definition, measure or cause of such phenomena as life quality, economic well-being or sense of happiness. Their evaluation depends on economic, political, cultural and social conditions and also on individual features, expectations and attitudes. More and more often, next to hard economic coefficients, social indicators are applied, and synthetic measures of the level of life quality or social and economic well-being are developed. The level of social development is strongly affected by the quality of human capital. The article presents an attempt at matching parameters and indicators which characterise various aspects of life quality and applying them for the development of synthetic measures of life quality in its different aspects. It is also aimed at comparing them with the current results obtained by research studies in this field. The aim of the article is to provide an assessment of diversification in the levels of living conditions observed in some selected countries – its size, specificity and cause-effect relations with the use of the listed parameters and measures. The research on life quality should be applied to the assessment of the efficiency of social and economic policy which has been currently implemented.



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How to Cite

Polak, E. (2021). Social and Economic Welfare and the Level of Life Satisfaction on the Example of Selected Countries. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 9(1), 19–30. Retrieved from


