Illiberal Democracy as a Result of Liberal Democratic Regression in Central and Eastern European Countries


  • Nataliya Khoma Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Ihor Vdovychyn Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


Illiberal Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Central and Eastern European Countries, Democratic Regression, Democratic Performance


The purpose of the article is to provide insight into illiberal democracy as a result of liberal democratic regression in the EU-integrated Central and Eastern European counties. Changes in the political pathways of Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic have been analysed, indicating the distinctive qualities of their political regression. Factors increasing democratic regression of the analysed CEE countries after their joining the EU have been established. Conclusions regarding the reasons for the illiberal transition and specific aspects of democratic deconsolidation of the region’s nations have been made. Specific characteristics of illiberal dynamics in the analysed group of countries have been defined. Deformation of liberal democracy has been studied in accordance with the methodology which combines the cognitive potential of neo-constitutionalism, political comparativistics and transitology paradigm.



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How to Cite

Khoma, N., & Vdovychyn, I. (2021). Illiberal Democracy as a Result of Liberal Democratic Regression in Central and Eastern European Countries. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 9(1), 58–71. Retrieved from


