The Problem of Legal Regulation of the Security of a Person, Society, State in the Formation of the Information Society in Ukraine


  • Anatolii Marushchak National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine
  • Stanislav Petrov National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine
  • Mykola Romanov National University of Ostroh Academy
  • Oksana Balashova National University of Ostroh Academy


Information Security, Cybersecurity, the Security of Rstricted Information, Legal Regulation, Method, Information Law


In this article a scientific hypothesis is proposed, dividing the subject of legal regulation of the security of a person, society and state into three components: information security, the security of information with limited access and cybersecurity. Legal regulation that relates to the field of information security is aimed at the following: creating a legal framework to provide security for information with limited access, as well as providing access to necessary information, etc. Making regulations to provide cybersecurity involves the detection of, prevention of and counteraction against real and potential threats to parts of the critical information infrastructure. While ensuring the information security of a person, society and state, the dispositive method of legal regulation predominates. However, in this study, we discovered a need to imperatively strengthen the security of a person, society and state by creating new legislation to make, in some cases, the spread of disinformation a criminal offence. Legal regulation of the security of restricted information is carried out using the imperative method of legal regulation, and the dispositive method of legal regulation in the circulation of information with limited access is applied when collecting and disseminating necessary information publicly. Providing cybersecurity in the public domain is done by the imperative method of legal regulation, although for the regulation of public-private partnership issues, it is concluded that there is a need for an exclusively dispositive method of legal regulation.



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How to Cite

Marushchak, A., Petrov, S., Romanov, M., & Balashova, O. (2021). The Problem of Legal Regulation of the Security of a Person, Society, State in the Formation of the Information Society in Ukraine. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 9(1), 101–116. Retrieved from


