Is There and Has There Been a “Polish Vote”? A Partly Contrary View


  • Donald E. Pienkos The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Polish Vote, “Polish” States, Poland, Polish American Congress


This paper looks at the “Polish vote” in U.S. presidential elections since 1940, when Polish American voters – the foreign born who had become citizens and their American born offspring – had become a significant factor. The issue of Poland was found to be salient in just five of these twenty elections. In only three of these, in 1944, 1948, and 1976, were the elections closely contested, thus enabling a true Polish vote to ‘matter’ in the outcome. Poland was not salient in the other fifteen elections. In them, Polish Americans’ voting preferences were more likely to be based on their views of the candidates, their party identification, ideological leanings, socio- economic background, and economic conditions at the time. In only one of these fifteen elections did the Polish American vote play a possibly decisive role in the outcome – the election of 1960.



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How to Cite

Pienkos, D. E. (2021). Is There and Has There Been a “Polish Vote”? A Partly Contrary View. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 9(1), 117–128. Retrieved from


