Polish Americans, Political Partisanship and Presidential Elections Voting: 1972-2020


  • Anne M. Gurnack University of Wisconsin-Parkside
  • James M. Cook University of Maine at Augusta


Polish Americans, Voting, Partisanship, Ethnicity, American Politics


Although there are 10 million Polish Americans in the United States, this group has been understudied recently, with most work relying on unrepresentative samples. We fill in knowledge gaps on party affiliation and presidential voting with data from 1972-2018 waves of the General Social Survey. Until the last decade, Polish Americans were consistently Democratic in party identification and presidential voting. Recently, however, this group’s voting has become more moderate, bringing it into greater alignment with the overall American electorate. Our findings support current political thought about US Poles overall, while challenging secondary assumptions in ways that suggest further longitudinal study.



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How to Cite

Gurnack, A. M., & Cook, J. M. (2021). Polish Americans, Political Partisanship and Presidential Elections Voting: 1972-2020. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 9(2), 30–39. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/journal-transformation/article/view/7085


