Towards a Comprehensive EU Health Policy? The Europeanisation of the Fight Against Covid-19 and Reflections on the First Year of the Pandemic


  • Ondřej Filipec Palacký University in Olomouc


Pandemic, Covid-19, Health Policy, Europeanisation, Response


In winter 2020 it was roughly one year since the first cases of Covid-19 disease were reported in China and soon the virus spread all over the world. The main aim of this article is to analyse the response of the EU which was hit by the virus in early 2020 and quickly responded to the pandemic. This response may be best analysed in the context of the Europeanisation concept which offers a suitable analytical framework allowing a systematic analysis of the impact on EU policy, politics and polity. The application of the concept will explore EU activities and contribute to both: a better understanding of the response of the EU and verification of the usability of the concept. How might the response of the EU be interpreted in the context of Europeanisation? And what were the key differences in the Europeanisation between the first and second wave?



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How to Cite

Filipec, O. (2021). Towards a Comprehensive EU Health Policy? The Europeanisation of the Fight Against Covid-19 and Reflections on the First Year of the Pandemic. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 9(2), 143–168. Retrieved from


