Cooperation perspective in building a human security environment - the role of international organisations and cooperation of Visegrad Four


  • Lucia Mokrá Comenius University in Bratislava
  • Kristína Janková Comenius University in Bratislava


human security, regional cooperation, Visegrad group, cooperation, European Union


The paper focuses on the analysis of the possible models of regional cooperation concepts, within the framework of human security building. Authors focus on the human security concept, its challenges and how it reflects contemporary security threats identified in the European Security Strategy. The particular focus is on the potential of Visegrad group cooperation in the European Union security and defence policy. A specific role of other actors, as the Organisation of Security and Cooperation is included.



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How to Cite

Mokrá, L., & Janková, K. (2018). Cooperation perspective in building a human security environment - the role of international organisations and cooperation of Visegrad Four. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 6(2), 55–72. Retrieved from



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