Strategic and theoretical dimension of mad concept


  • Juraj Kalický Matej Bel University
  • Ľuboš Žárský Matej Bel University
  • Jaroslav Ušiak Matej Bel University


MAD, perpetual peace, game theory, prisoner´s dilemma, humanistic - liberal conceptions level of analysis


The principal aim of the study is to examine the broader role of the mutually assured destruction (MAD) concept formed and in operation in the second half of 20th century. Via theoretical perspectives on the nuclear weapon such as philosophical, ethical, or the security one, it is not only to provide an extended definition of the concept while utilizing categories of the broadly accepted game-theoretic approach to mutually assured destruction in the theoretical premises of humanistic - liberal conceptions, but also to figure out whether the ethical implications of the state of nuclear strategic balance of power empirically examined within the effect of deterrence can even be reconciled with the Kantian liberal conception of perpetual peace.



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How to Cite

Kalický, J., Žárský, Ľuboš ., & Ušiak, J. . (2018). Strategic and theoretical dimension of mad concept. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 6(1), 5–19. Retrieved from



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