The Applicable Law to the Subject Matter of the Dispute in International Investment Law According to the ICSID Convention and Georgian Law


  • Simoni Takashvili Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


Applicable Law, Investment Dispute, Private International Law, Conflict of Laws


International investment law is of particular importance for each country’s economic development and Georgia is not an exception in this issue. While discussing international investment law investment dispute settlement should ultimately be considered. The present article deals with the issue of applicable law to the subject matter of the dispute in international investment disputes. The whole article is dedicated to the practical aspects of the determining applicable law. More precisely, Georgian regulations and respective provisions of certain international regulations will be covered. The research is done using a comparative, systemic, logical and analytical method. The use of each method in different parts of the article ensures demonstration of rules existing towards determination of applicable substantive law, which is the purpose of the present article.



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How to Cite

Takashvili, S. (2017). The Applicable Law to the Subject Matter of the Dispute in International Investment Law According to the ICSID Convention and Georgian Law. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 5(1), 5–19. Retrieved from



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