Establishment and range expansion of non-native fish species facilitated by hot springs: the case study from the Upper Sakarya Basin (NW, Turkey)


  • Sadi Aksu Eskişehir Osmangazi University
  • Sercan Başkurt Eskişehir Osmangazi University
  • Özgür Emiroğlu Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University
  • Ali Serhan Tarkan Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, University of Łódź


water temperature, aquarium species, Kernel Density Estimation, DISTLM, climate change, aquatic ecosystems


Non-native species can enter new habitats and ecosystems in a variety of ways. Suitable ecological conditions must exist for non-native species to reproduce in newly colonized habitats. Hot springs are suitable habitats for tropical, aquarium, and ornamental fish species. This paper presents the results of research on the distribution of non-native and native species in relation to environmental factors in the Upper Sakarya Basin, where several such springs are present. The fish fauna in the basin includes native (60% – 21 species, 14 of which are endemic) and non-native (40% – 14 species) fish species. Most of the non-native species (seven species) were found only in warm springs (minimum water temperature 16°C). In addition, 75 fish species belonging to 26 families were found throughout the Sakarya Basin. Hot springs were found to play an important role in the establishment of non-native species. The Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) results revealed that the non-native species density was high in the Upper Sakarya Basin where hot springs are common. This confirms that minimum and maximum temperatures are the main drivers of changes in the distribution of non-native fish species. Two aquarium fishes, Bujurguina vittata and Xiphophorus spp., are reported for the first time in the present study for inland waters of Turkey.



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How to Cite

Aksu, S., Başkurt, S., Emiroğlu, Özgür ., & Tarkan, A. S. (2021). Establishment and range expansion of non-native fish species facilitated by hot springs: the case study from the Upper Sakarya Basin (NW, Turkey). Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 50(3), 247–258. Retrieved from


