First record of the alien aquatic oligochaete species Monopylephorus limosus (Hatai, 1898) (Annelida) in Central Europe


  • Dariusz Halabowski University of Silesia
  • Mariola Krodkiewska University of Silesia
  • Agnieszka Sowa University of Silesia
  • Iga Lewin University of Silesia


non-indigenous oligochaete species, anthropogenic salinization, saline mine drainage, river, Poland


The paper reports on the first record of the Asian aquatic oligochaete species Monopylephorus limosus (Hatai, 1898) in Central Europe. The species was found in the lower course of the Bolina River (S Poland), which is contaminated with saline mine waters. One immature individual was collected in the late summer of 2017. M. limosus co-occurred with Paranais litoralis, Nais elinguis and juvenile Enchytraeidae. To date, M. limosus is one of the 29 non-native annelids that are known to occur in Poland.



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How to Cite

Halabowski, D., Krodkiewska, M. ., Sowa, A. ., & Lewin, I. . (2019). First record of the alien aquatic oligochaete species Monopylephorus limosus (Hatai, 1898) (Annelida) in Central Europe. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 48(3), 290–295. Retrieved from



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