First record of Sigara assimilis (Fieber, 1848) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Corixidae) in Poland


  • Agnieszka Sowa University of Silesia
  • Grzegorz Tończyk University of Łódź
  • Dariusz Halabowski University of Silesia
  • Mariola Krodkiewska University of Silesia


Sigara, boatmen, Nepomorpha, Polish fauna, settling pond, hypohaline waters


Sigara assimilis (Fieber, 1848) is an aquatic true bug from the family Corixidae. Our paper is the first report on this species from Poland. Numerous males and females of the species were found in a hypohaline coal mine settling pond in southern Poland.



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How to Cite

Sowa, A., Tończyk, G., Halabowski, D., & Krodkiewska, M. (2018). First record of Sigara assimilis (Fieber, 1848) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Corixidae) in Poland. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 47(2), 211–217. Retrieved from



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