Non-indigenous tanaid Sinelobus vanhaareni Bamber, 2014 in the Polish coastal waters – an example of a successful invader


  • Radosław Brzana University of Gdansk
  • Lena Marszewska University of Gdansk
  • Monika Normant-Saremba University of Gdansk
  • Magdalena Błażewicz University of Łódź


Sinelobus vanhaareni, non-native species, introduced species, alien species, tanaids, Tanaidacea, Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea


The paper reports on the first record of Sinelobus vanhaareni, a non-native tanaid, in the Polish coastal waters (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea). The species was found in the port of Gdynia in 2014, while in 2015–2017 it already colonized the western part of the Gulf of Gdańsk, inhabiting mainly hard substrates, including both natural (e.g. boulders) and anthropogenic ones (e.g. vertical concrete piles or walls of offshore structures and breakwaters, horizontal PVC plates and oyster shells used as filling in habitat collectors). During the survey period, S. vanhaareni was found in different seasons of the year (from winter and early spring toautumn), which, combined with the presence of ovigerous females as well as high abundance (up to tens of thousands of individuals per square meter), allows us to assume that the species has already established a population in the Gulf of Gdańsk.



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How to Cite

Brzana, R. ., Marszewska, L. ., Normant-Saremba, M., & Błażewicz, M. . (2019). Non-indigenous tanaid Sinelobus vanhaareni Bamber, 2014 in the Polish coastal waters – an example of a successful invader. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 48(1), 76–84. Retrieved from



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