Structure and succession of periphyton in an urban reservoir: artificial substrate specificity


  • Ivana Trbojević University of Belgrade
  • Jelena Jovanović Institute of Public Health of Serbia „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut”
  • Dušan Kostić Institute for Development of Water Resources „Jaroslav Černi”
  • Slađana Popović Universtiy of Belgrade
  • Jelena Krizmanić University of Belgrade
  • Vesna Karadžić Institute of Public Health of Serbia „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut”
  • Gordana Subakov Simić University of Belgrade


Periphyton, artificial substrates, wood, ceramic, glass, shallow lake


Substrate specificity of the periphyton community is usually underestimated in both periphyton ecology and biomonitoring studies, thus different kinds of both natural and artificial substrates (of organic and inorganic origin) are employed. Periphyton colonization and successional trajectories are particularly debatable processes when different kinds of substrates are considered. In our field experiment, we deployed four kinds of artificial substrates (two inorganic ones – glass and ceramic, and two organic ones – willow and yew wooden tiles) for the development of periphyton in an urban reservoir referred to as Lake Savsko (Belgrade, Serbia). We comparatively investigated the structure, colonization process, diversity and successional trajectories of periphyton. We also assessed the relationship between the dynamics of algae growth forms (ecological groups) on different substrates and selected abiotic limnological factors. Our objective was to determine whether the type of substrate affects periphyton characteristics at various levels and whether an artificial substrate potentially affects the bioindication capacity of ecological groups. We concluded that all substrates behave similarly at the level of structure and colonization phases, but when considering diversity and successional trajectories, the substrate specificity was demonstrated. Our results suggest that communities developed on inert substrates (glass and ceramic) could provide more realistic insight into complex environmental changes.


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How to Cite

Trbojević, I., Jovanović, J., Kostić, D., Popović, S., Krizmanić, J., Karadžić, V., & Subakov Simić, G. (2017). Structure and succession of periphyton in an urban reservoir: artificial substrate specificity. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 46(4), 379–392. Retrieved from




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