Analysis of the psychometric properties of the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale in a Polish adolescent sample


  • Maria Magdalena Kwiatkowska Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
  • Radosław Rogoza Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
  • Katarzyna Kwiatkowska Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie

Słowa kluczowe:

loneliness, adolescents, shyness, self-esteem


The current study examines the psychometric properties of the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (R-UCLA): structural validity, reliability and external validity. We conducted a study on a sample of 247 high school students, all aged 16. In order to verify the hypotheses, scales measuring feelings of loneliness, shyness and self-esteem were administered. As a result of confirmatory factor analyses, it was demonstrated that the structure of the R-UCLA is three-factorial, the factors being as follows: (1) intimate others, referring to the feeling of exclusion; (2) social others, referring to the lack of closeness and support in relationships; and (3) belonging and affiliation, referring to the lack of community bonds – all of which are reliable in their measurement, as is the total score of the R-UCLA. Moreover, we demonstrated that the feeling of loneliness is positively related to shyness and negatively related to self-esteem. The obtained results support using the R-UCLA among Polish adolescents.


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Jak cytować

Kwiatkowska, M. M., Rogoza, R., & Kwiatkowska, K. (2018). Analysis of the psychometric properties of the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale in a Polish adolescent sample. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 6(2), 164–170. Pobrano z


