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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Scientific articles presented for publication in the journal should be submitted electronically to the editor’s address ( with information in the email subject: "article to JGPS".

Within 2 weeks of sending the article, its Author should receive information about accepting the article for review or its rejection. After receiving comments from reviewers, the author has one month to respond to the comments. The article is subject to a review in consistence with the "double blind review process".

Author information should be given according to the following pattern: Tomasz Michalski, Institute of Geography, University of Gdansk, Bażyńskiego 4, 80-952 Gdansk, Poland, ORCID 0000-0002-7916-9620 (if the Author has it), e-mail: In the case of two or more authors, please add “(corresponding author)” next to one of them. At the Author’s request, information on sources of funding the research that contributed to preparing of the publication can be given at the end of the article. Also at the end of the article the Author can put any acknowledgements. The Author(s) are asked to sign the form Conflict of Interest Declaration and Contribution to the Article JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY, POLITICS AND SOCIETY, in which they: declare a lack of conflict of interest or, if it arises, explain its nature; declare their contribution to the article, thus certifying that it has been prepared by the authors themselves on the basis of reliable data (in case of doubt, the editorial office shall take the explanatory procedures in accordance with the COPE guidelines); give their consent (in the case of many authors, this is signed only by the corresponding author) to publish the article in the journal based on the principles of Open Access as contained in the Creative Commons license. All articles starting from Vol 10 no 2 (2020) are available under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). The previous articles are available on the basis of the  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License .


Guidelines on the article content

The title of the article should be relatively short, yet including information on the subject matter of the article. It is recommended that keywords appear in the title.

The abstract should contain as much information as possible in the least number of words. It should reflect the content of the article in a synthetic way. In the case of an article presenting results of a study, it should include the aim, possibly hypotheses, the temporal and spatial scope, the applied methods, the obtained results. In the case of review, opinion articles, etc. more freedom is allowed in the abstract design. The abstract should be between 600 and 1,100 characters (with spaces).

The number of keywords should be between 4 and 6. They should accurately reflect the subject and the scope of the article. Vague keywords and those made up of too many words should be avoided.

When preparing the abstract and the keywords, keep in mind that the reader of the article is most likely to begin reading it by looking at the abstract and the keywords. Also in bibliographic databases a potential reader very often searches for articles based on abstracts or keywords.

The article should be written in the IMRAD format (Introduction/Theory; Data and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions/Summary). The structure of the article should be transparent. In the case of an article reporting results of a study, the following design is recommended: introduction (where the issue of the discussed processes/phenomena is presented and the purpose and the scope of the article and possibly the hypotheses are given), presentation of the data and the methods of analysis (this part may possibly be included in the introduction), presentation of the results of the analysis (it should be clearly indicated which parts of the analysis are property of the authors of the article and which parts are based on the results of other persons’ research), summary (conclusions contained therein must not be too vague and must result from the conducted research or the cited literature. In the case of review, opinion articles, etc., more freedom is allowed in the construction of the article.

The entire volume of the article (i.e. including the abstract, keywords, and references) should be between 4,000–7,000 words. In exceptional cases, slightly larger or smaller articles will be accepted for publication.

The text should be written in Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 spacing. The titles of tables and figures and their sources – Times New Roman 10. When submitting graphs, their data in Excel should be attached so that they can be edited. Maps, diagrams, etc. should be prepared in vector graphics. If this is not possible, their resolution should be at least 300 dpi. In addition to pasting graphics into the text, it is recommended that they also be included as separate files (this is because pasting the graphic into the text automatically lowers its resolution). In tables, Arial 10 or 9 (when the table is large) font should be used. For graphics, it is also recommended to use the Arial font in such a size that a figure of up to 164 mm is readable.

Guidelines for citing and referencing literature

General guidelines: when citing in parentheses, only the author’s name and the date of publication is given; when citing an author in a solid text, the first name is added, e.g. the first case (Babov, 2015), the second case I. Babov (2015). Below are detailed cases of giving citations.

Citing one or two authors:

(Kul’chyts’ky, 2016)

(Babbie, Kvale, 2016)

Citing three and more authors (we give only the first author followed by ‘et al.’):

(Hofstrede et al., 1986)

Citing one or two editors:

(Horňák (ed.), 2014)

(van Ree, Sekulić (eds.), 2014)

Citing three or more editors (we give only the first editor’s name followed by ‘et al.’):

(Rockenschaub et al. (eds.), 2007)

Citing a publication without an author (if the title is long, give a maximum of the first three words followed by an ellipsis):

(Health response…, 2017)

Citing a source without the date of publication:


Quoting (citation as above, then at the end of the citation, add p. and the page number from which the quotation has been taken):

(Vyatrovych, 1991, p. 87)

Guidelines for literature references

General guidelines: (1) in the case of non-English language publications written in Latin characters, additionally provide a translation of the title of the article (in a journal), the title of the book (in the case of a chapter in a book, a book, book editorship; this also applies to publications without an author), the title of a website, etc.; (2) in addition, in the case of a text written in Cyrillic characters, do not write it in this alphabet, but first make a transcription (the template is given at the end). Exception: do not transcribe the last name and the first letter of the author’s name if there is also a name written in the Latin alphabet in the publication – then use that notation. If the article/publication has a DOI number, give it at the end of the bibliographic entry. Below please find examples of the notation used in the journal:


Article in a journal – in English:

An example of the original reference and simultaneously a reference in the journal:

Kuczabski A., Zastavetska L., Zastavetskyy T., 2017, The reform of administrative division in Ukraine: Problems of territorial communities’ formation in the Polish-Ukrainian borderland, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 7(2), 87–97. DOI: 10.4467/24512249JG.17.019.6635

Article in a journal – not in English (written in Latin characters):

An example of the original reference:

Krogmann A., Šolcová L., Nemčíková M., Mróz F., Ambrosio V., 2016, Možnosti rozvoja Svätojakubských ciest na Slovensku, Geografické informácie / Geographical Information, 20(2), 231–238. doi: 10.17846/GI.2016.20.2.231-238

Reference in the journal:

Krogmann A., Šolcová L., Nemčíková M., Mróz F., Ambrosio V., 2016, Možnosti rozvoja Svätojakubských ciest na Slovensku (Eng. Possibilities of St. James Routes development in Slovakia), Geografické informácie / Geographical Information, 20(2), 231–238. doi: 10.17846/GI.2016.20.2.231-238

Article in a journal – not in English (written in Cyrillic characters):

An example of the original reference:

Бестерс-Дільгер Ю., 2012, Мовна політика України на тлі європейського та пострадянського досвіду, Наукові записки НаУКМА. Філологічні науки, 137, 12–16.

Reference in the journal:

Bester-Dìl’ger Û., 2012, Movna polìtika Ukraїni na tlì êvropejs’kogo postradâns’kogo dosvìdu (Eng. Language policy of Ukraine in comparison to the European and the post-Soviet experience), Naukovì zapiski NaUKMA. Vìlologìčnì nauki, 137, 12–16.

Book – in English:

An example of the original reference and simultaneously a reference in the journal:

Norkus Z., 2012, On Baltic Slovenia and Adriatic Lithuania. A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Patterns in Post-Communist Transformation, Apostrofa, Vilnius.

Book – not in English (written in Latin characters):

An example of the original reference:

Kaczmarek T., 2005, Struktury terytorialno-administracyjne i ich reformy w krajach europejskich, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań.

Reference in the journal:

Kaczmarek T., 2005, Struktury terytorialno-administracyjne i ich reformy w krajach europejskich (Eng. Territorial-administrative structures and their reforms in European countries), Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań.

Book – not in English (written in Cyrillic characters):

An example of the original reference:

Кучабський О.Г., 2010, Адміністративно-територіальна організація України: теорія, методологія, механізми становлення, ЛРІДУ НАДУ, Львів.

Reference in the journal:

Kučabs’kij O.G., 2010, Admìnìstrativno-teritorìal’na organizacìâ Ukraїni: teorìâ, metodologìâ, mehanizmì stanovleniâ (Eng. Administrative-territorial organization of Ukraine: Theory, methodology, mechanisms of formation), LRÌDU NADU, L’vìv.

Chapter in a book – in English:

An example of the original reference and simultaneously a reference in the journal: Kopeć K., 2012, Commuting to the stadium PGE Arena Gdańsk – the 2012 UEFA European Football championship perspective, [in:] T. Michalski, A. Radchenko (eds.), Global, Continental, National and Regional Conditions of National Development, Publishing House “ADNDU”, Gdańsk-Kharkiv, 99-108.

Chapter in a book– not in English (written in Latin characters):

An example of the original reference: Michalski T., 2014, Propozycja systemu monitoringu jakości usług publicznych na szczeblu lokalnym, [in:] S. Ciok, K. Janc (eds.), Współczesne wyzwania polityki regionalnej i gospodarki przestrzennej, T. 2, Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego UWr, Wrocław, 93–103.

Reference in the journal: Michalski T., 2014, Propozycja systemu monitoringu jakości usług publicznych na szczeblu lokalnym (Eng. Proposal for a system of monitoring of the quality of public services at the local level), [in:] S. Ciok, K. Janc (eds.), Współczesne wyzwania polityki regionalnej i gospodarki przestrzennej, T. 2 (Eng. Contemporary challenges for regional policy and spatial management, vol. 2), Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego UWr, Wrocław, 93–103.

Chapter in a book– not in English (written in Cyrillic characters):

An example of the original reference: Савостенко Т.О., Попруга В.І., 2010, Механізми економічні, [in:] Ю.П. Сурмін, Ю.В. Ковбасюк, В.П. Трощинський (eds.), Енциклопедичний словник з державного управління, Видавництво НАДУ, Київ, 421–422.

Reference in the journal: Savostenko T.O., Popruga V.I., 2010, Mehanìzmi ekonomìčnì (Eng. Economic mechanisms), [in:] Û.P. Surmìn, Û.V. Kovnasûk, V.P. Troŝins’kij (eds.), Enciklopedičnij slovnik z deržabnogo upravlìnnâ (Eng. Encyclopaedic dictionary of public administration), Vidavnictvo NADU, Kiїv, 421–422.

Editorship of a book – in English:

An example of the original reference and simultaneously a reference in the journal: Michalski T., Radchenko A. (eds.), 2012, Global, Continental, National and Regional Conditions of National Development, Publishing House “ADNDU”, Gdańsk-Kharkiv.

Editorship of a book – not in English (written in Latin characters):

An example of the original reference: Anisiewicz R., Połom M., Tarkowski M. (red.), 2017, Rozwój regionalny i lokalny w perspektywie geograficznej, Wydawnictwo „Bernardinum”, Gdańsk-Pelplin.

Reference in the journal: Anisiewicz R., Połom M., Tarkowski M. (eds.), 2017, Rozwój regionalny i lokalny w perspektywie geograficznej (Eng. Regional and local development in the geographical perspective), Wydawnictwo „Bernardinum”, Gdańsk-Pelplin.

Editorship of a book – not in English (written in Cyrillic characters):

An example of the original reference: Синцеров Л.М. (ed.), 2010, География мирового развития, Товарищество научных изданий КМК, Москва.

Reference in the journal: Sincerov L.M. (ed.), 2010, Geografiâ mirovogo razvitiâ (Eng. Geography of the world development), Tovariŝestvo naučnyh izdanij KMK, Moskva.

Publication without an author – in English:

An example of the original reference and simultaneously a reference in the journal: Urban Europe – Statistics on cities, towns and suburbs. 2016 edition, 2016, Eurostat, Luxemburg. doi:10.2785/91120

Publication without an author – not in English (written in Latin characters):

An example of the original reference: Atlas statystyczny województwa pomorskiego, 2018, Urząd Statystyczny w Gdańsku, Gdańsk.

Reference in the journal: Atlas statystyczny województwa pomorskiego (Eng. Statistical atlas of pomorskie voivodship), 2018, Urząd Statystyczny w Gdańsku, Gdańsk.

Publication without an author – not in English (written in Cyrillic characters):

An example of the original reference: РОССИЯ В ЦИФРАХ 2017. Краткий статистический сборник, 2017, Федеральная служба государственной статистики, Москва.

Reference in the journal: ROSSIÂ V CIFRAH 2017. Kratkij statističeskij sbornik (Eng. Russia in figures 2017. Statistical handbook,), 2017, Federal’naâ služba gosudarstviennoj statisiki, Moskva.

Website – in English:

An example of the original reference and simultaneously a reference in the journal: Poles do not want Polexit, 2018, The Warsaw Voice, (accessed 17 November 2018).

Website – not in English (written in Latin characters):

An example of the original reference: Szymański P., 2017, Bałtowie wielu prędkości. Wzmacnianie potencjału obronnego Litwy, Łotwy i Estonii, Prace OSW, 68, Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia, Warszawa, (accessed 17 November 2018).

Reference in the journal: Szymański P., 2017, Bałtowie wielu prędkości. Wzmacnianie potencjału obronnego Litwy, Łotwy i Estonii (Eng. Balts of many speeds. Strengthening the defence potential of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia), Prace OSW, 68, Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia, Warszawa, (accessed 17 November 2018).

Website – not in English (written in Cyrillic characters):

An example of the original reference: Земельний кодекс України від 25.10.2001 року № 2768-14, 2001, (accessed 17 November 2018).

Reference in the journal: Zemel’nij kodeks Ukraїni vìd 25.10.2001 roku № 2768-14 (Eng. The Land Code of Ukraine from 25 Oct. 2001, No 2768-14), 2001, (accessed 17 November 2018).

Internet database – in English:

An example of the original reference and simultaneously a reference in the journal: European Health for All database (HFA-DB), World Heath Organization Regional Centre for Europe, (accessed 17 November 2018).

Internet database – not in English (written in Latin characters):

An example of the original reference: Banca de date "Statbank", Biroul Naţional de Statistică al Republicii Moldova, (accessed 17 November 2018).

Reference in the journal: Banca de date "Statbank" (Eng. Statistical databank "Statbank"), Biroul Naţional de Statistică al Republicii Moldova, (accessed 17 November 2018).

Internet database – not in English (written in Cyrillic characters):

An example of the original reference: База података, Република Србија Републички завод за статистику, (accessed 17 November 2018).

Reference in the journal: Baza podataka (Eng. Database), Republika Srbiǰa Republički zavod za statistiku, (accessed 17 November 2018).

Publication without a release date:

This differs from the above examples only in the fact that instead of the year we put (n.d.)

Unpublished material

It differs from the above only in that after the year and the title we identify what it is, e.g. letter, interview, email, PhD manuscript, etc. Note: Please add who this letter is from, etc., and in the case of PhD manuscript - the name of the institution in which it was defended in given in English.

Tips for transliteration from Cyrillic characters

The following are guidelines for transliteration of the most commonly used letters from the Cyrillic alphabet into Latin characters.


























































































In case of doubt about transliteration – please leave the original letter in the text marked in red and inform the editorial office of the journal when you submit the article.



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