Publishing ethics


For all parties involved in publishing (Author/Authors, Editor/Editors, Reviewers, Publisher), it is necessary to agree on ethical standards. The ethics statements for Journal of Geography, Politics and Society are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.


a) Responsibility

The journal editor is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. In addition, he/she is responsible for all articles published in the journal. In taking a decision to publish, he/she may be guided by the editorial policy of the journal and the legal requirements regarding defamation, infringement of copyright and plagiarism. When making decisions regarding the publication of an article, the Editor conducts talks with Subject Editors and Reviewers. The Editorial Board keeps the documentation accurate and excludes the private interests of the Editorial Board members. In addition, the Editorial Board is ready to publish corrections, explanations, withdrawals of scientific texts and apologies, if necessary.

b) Impartiality

The Editor evaluates manuscripts for content regardless of the Author/Authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship or political views. The Editor does not disclose any information about the manuscript under consideration to anyone other than the Author/Authors, Reviewers, potential reviewers, and in special cases the Editorial Board members.

c) Confidentiality

The Editor and the Editorial Board may not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the relevant Author/Authors, Reviewers, potential reviewers and the Publisher.

d) Disclosure of information, conflict of interest and other issues

The editor follows the COPE guidelines when considering the withdrawal of articles, expressing concerns about conflicts of interest, and revising articles published in Journal of Geography, Politics and Society.

Unpublished material contained in the submitted manuscript may not be used for the Editor’s own research without the express written consent of the Author/Authors. Information and ideas obtained through mutual evaluation must remain confidential and not be used for personal gain.

The Editor endeavors to ensure a fair and appropriate review process. The Editor withdraws from considering to accept manuscripts in which there are conflicts of interest resulting from competition, cooperation or other relationships between the Author/Authors and the Editor (e.g. by asking the Subject Editor or another member of the Editorial Board to review and consider accepting the manuscript).

Editors require all authors to disclose relevant conflicting interests and publish corrections if any conflicting interests come to light after publication of the manuscript. If necessary, other steps should be taken, such as withdrawing the publication or expressing concern in the journal.

e) Commitment and cooperation in the proceedings

Editors should guard the integrity of a published article by making corrections and withdrawals, and by tracing suspected and alleged research and publication misconduct. Editors should control Reviewers and prosecute editorial misconduct. In the event of an ethical complaint regarding a submitted manuscript or a published article, the Editor should take appropriate action.



a) Contribution to editorial decisions

A review assists the Editor in making editorial decisions, and through editorial communication with the Author/Authors, it can also help them improve the manuscript.

b) Punctuality

Each invited Reviewer who feels unqualified to review the research reported in the manuscript or knows that its timely evaluation will be impossible should notify the Editor immediately. This is to expedite contact with alternative reviewers.

c) Confidentiality

Any manuscripts received for review should be treated as confidential documents. They may not be shown and discussed with others, unless the Editor agrees.

d) Objectivity

Reviews should be objective. Private criticism of the Author/Authors is unacceptable. Reviewers should clearly express their views with appropriate arguments.

e) Acknowledgment of sources

One of the Reviewers’ tasks is to identify relevant published papers that have not been indicated as cited by the Authors. Any statement that an argument has been previously published should be accompanied by an appropriate quote. The Reviewer should also draw the Editor’s attention to any significant similarities or overlaps in the content of the analyzed manuscript with any other published articles of which they know personally.

f) Conflict of interest

Information and ideas obtained during the evaluation must be kept confidential and may not be used for personal gain. Reviewers should not attempt to evaluate manuscripts with conflicts of interest arising from competitive, cooperative, or other relationships or ties with any of the Authors, companies, or institutions related to the submitted manuscript.



a) Standards of submitting manuscripts

Authors reporting the results of original research should provide a thorough description of the work done, as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Basic data should be thoroughly discussed in the manuscript. The article should contain sufficient details and references in such a way as to allow others to reproduce the work. False or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

b) Originality and Plagiarism

Authors should ensure that the submitted work is completely original, and if Authors have used work or words of others, that it has been cited accordingly.

c) Multiple, parallel or simultaneous publication

Author/Authors should generally not publish manuscripts describing the same research in more than one journal or scientific article. Parallel submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal constitutes unethical editorial behavior and is unacceptable.

d) Acknowledgment of sources

Always acknowledge others’ work. Authors should also cite publications that contributed to the determination of the nature of the submitted manuscript.

e) Authorship of the manuscript

Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the concept, design, execution or interpretation of the reported study. All who have made a significant contribution should be listed as co-authors. Other individuals who have participated in certain merit aspects of the research project should be mentioned in the “Acknowledgement” section. Corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors (as defined above) are included and that no improper co-authors are listed as the manuscript authors, and that all co-authors see and approve the final version of the manuscript and agree to submit it for publication.

f) Ghostwriting & Guest authorship

The editors of Journal of Geography, Politics and Society try to counteract scientific abuses, such as “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”.

Honesty and integrity in science are the basis of its quality. Readers should be sure that the authors of the publication present the results of their work in a transparent and honest manner, regardless of whether they are direct authors or have accepted the help of specialized entities. The researchers’ ethical approach and the highest editorial standards are manifested by the transparency of information regarding entities contributing to the publication (substantive, material, financial input, etc.). In contrast to the ethical actions mentioned above, there are unethical behaviors such as “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”.

“Ghostwriting” occurs when someone has made a significant contribution to a publication and has not been disclosed as one of the authors or their role is not mentioned in the acknowledgments.

“Guest authorship” (honorary authorship) is another situation where a person has made little or no contribution to a publication and is nevertheless listed as the Author or a co-author. To cope with “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”, the Editorial Board of Journal of Geography, Politics and Society introduces the following requirements for Authors:

All Authors/co-Authors are asked to complete and send (by post or scanned copy by e-mail) a statement on their contribution to the publication (including affiliation and information identifying the author of the concept, principles, methods, etc.). This requirement also applies to articles by one author in terms of affiliation, contribution and possible wide use of the work of other Authors or institutions.

Authors are asked to provide information on funding sources, contributions from institutions, associations and other entities. These data will be used to assess whether the authors have duly (sufficiently) met the requirements leading to the elimination of “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”.

These requirements are shared by all Authors represented by the corresponding author. The corresponding author is primarily responsible for the accuracy and the completeness of the information requested. Only one declaration is required (submitted by the respective author).

The Editorial Board of Journal of Geography, Politics and Society informs that all cases of unethical activity will be reported to the appropriate institutions (employing institution, associations, etc.).

g) Disclosure of information and conflict of interest

All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other material conflicts of interest that might be construed as affecting the results or their interpretation in the manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.

h) Fundamental errors in published works

When Author/Authors discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, it is their responsibility to promptly notify the editor or publisher of the journal and cooperate with them to withdraw the article or publish an appropriate erratum.


In the event of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, the Publisher, in close cooperation with the Editors, will take all appropriate steps to clarify the situation and amend the article. This includes the prompt publication of errata or, in the most severe cases, the complete withdrawal of said paper.