AI: social perception and the states policy




AI, political system, security, state, strategies, technology


The specificity of advanced technologies constitutes a transformation challenge in terms of the conditions of social development and influence on state policies. In the last few years, this process has been seen as a consequence of the development of artificial intelligence – a general-purpose digital technology. Due to its complexity, the AI technology has enormous potential for social change, which raises both deepening hopes and fears. AI also influences the policies of countries, which for its development use both the current achievements in the development of ICT (information and communication technology), as well as the demographic potential and accumulated digital data resources, the diversity of the political system and the dominant importance of their own digital sector with international influence. It can be considered that those countries that have been successful as digital powers are taking on the role of AI superpowers with greater freedom and innovation. At the same time, there is a rapid increase in the number of countries that aspire to become AI leaders and those that treat artificial intelligence technology as an opportunity to improve their international position. Public perception is a factor supporting the adoption and implementation of national development strategies and legal regulations for AI. It reveals social fears and hopes associated with the technology in question, influencing the views of both politicians and citizens.



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How to Cite

Bógdał-Brzezińska, A. (2023). AI: social perception and the states policy. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 13(3), 13–21.


