International scientific cooperation: the case of the Economic and Social Development (ESD) conference




international, scientific, cooperation, economic, conference, indexation


The article analyses scientific conferences as an instrument of international cooperation. The aim is to identify the characteristics and factors influencing the growth of the international scientific conferences. Specifically, it presents the concept and model of the Economic and Social Development (ESD) conference and examines scientific cooperation within this conference between 2012 and 2022. The article draws on data sourced from the ESD conference organiser and the Web of Science database. Between 2012 and 2022, a total of 92 conferences were held across six continents in 26 countries. The WoS database indexed 1,465 articles authored by individuals from 91 countries. The lengthy waiting times for conferences to be indexed in the WoS database have led organisers to seek out additional benefits for participants.


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How to Cite

Studzieniecki, T. (2023). International scientific cooperation: the case of the Economic and Social Development (ESD) conference. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 13(4), 13–25.


