Policies for the development of tourism in the most attractive regions of Poland





tourism development, strategic planning, policies for tourism development


The aim of this study is to determine how local authorities perceive tourism and its role in the economic and social development of the most attractive counties in Poland. In order to achieve this goal, it was necessary to analyse the current strategic documents of selected administrative units, using computer-assisted context analysis and text mining. In total, more than 5500 pages were analysed. Selected chapters of the documents concerning the missions and visions of the counties analysed, their strategic and operational objectives, as well as SWOT analyses were subjected to detailed analysis. The study focused only on those objectives and elements of the SWOT analysis directly related to tourism development in the counties. Furthermore, the analysis allowed to determine the extent to which county development strategies are useful tools in long-term socio-economic development planning in relation to the tourism industry.


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How to Cite

Nowicka, K. (2024). Policies for the development of tourism in the most attractive regions of Poland. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 14(1), 30–42. https://doi.org/10.26881/jpgs.2024.1.04


