Issues of a dialogue as a way to shape a harmonious landscape and landscape integrity
cultural landscape, identity, hermetic language, communist bloc, contrast, educational activitiesAbstract
The article explores Poland as an example of a country in which generations were living under substandard circumstances and where the socio-economic transformation after 1989 did not go along with an aesthetics education. The result is the lack of cultural harmony іn Polish landscapes, widely acknowledged by local experts. Politicians often do not see the problem and neither do the people living in the country as it is developed.
The author of this article shows that in order to change the path of development to a more harmonious one, there would have to be a compassionate dialogue, simultaneously with spreading awareness of the problem within all the stakeholders.
The author believes that his method called “Seeing Anew” brings some competence to all the parts of the dialogue. Understanding of the factors which created the problem can reconnect people to the environment, the landscape, and ultimately to themselves. All these factors have to be thought of when thinking to restore integrity of the landscape.
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